Vyrill's in-video search allows you to deliver a relevant shopping experience to boost conversions.

About Vyrill

With Vyrill, you have the power to unleash the full potential of user-generated video content to drive sales and engagement. Capture authentic customer videos, uncover insights you won't find anywhere else, and use them to guide shoppers along their path-to-purchase.

AI-powered video insights

Are you a brand or tech platform trying to up your video game? Watch our video to learn how Vyrill helps you automatically find, analyze, and promote the best UGC content to boost engagement, conversion and e-commerce sales.

Achieve personalization with video

Consumers rely on video reviews to make purchase decisions. Brand trust shoots up 20X when shoppers can relate to the speaker, see the sentiment and watch the product in action. 

To help turn browsers into buyers, Vyrill sources video content, analyzes it, and shows you the who, what, and where inside every video so you can promote those that are most relevant to your audience, on your site and in social campaigns.

Unlock the power of shopper-generated video marketing

Cut down the time it takes to discover, source and analyze consumer videos by 90%. Yes, we said 90%! 

How to Find UGC Regardless of Budget

Read this comprehensive guide to identifying and finding quality UGC videos while balancing budget constraints and best practices for content curation.

14 Ways A Video Rating System Helps Brands and Retailers

We often hear questions as to whether hosting video reviews and ratings can help brands and video performance. 

And our answer Certainly! Let's delve deeper into how a video rating and review system aids brands and retailers in 14 different ways.

For Brands

The Best Way To Build Trust With Your Shoppers

Showcase videos like big retailers

Find micro-fans and experts to promote your product

Vyrill is the only app that will identify top fans who are talking about your brand within a video. Reach out to them directly from the platform to license content, run marketing campaigns and create product shout-outs.

Gain superior intelligence on competitors

Leverage competitor intelligence to improve differentiation. Track trends and stay on top of competitor conversations. Dive deep into competitor sentiment, demographics, product discussion and video market share.

Source and vet brand-safe video content

Source brand-safe content from social, direct and ecommerce channels all in one place. We analyze the content and quality of every clip in order to make sure that you focus your valuable time only on high-quality, brand-safe material.

For Retailers

Boost Sales With Video

Shoppers can now search by product feature

Source and vet brand-safe video content

Source brand-safe content from social, direct and e-commerce channels all in one place. 

We analyze the content and quality of every clip in order to make sure that you focus your valuable time only on high-quality, brand-safe material. 

Feature new content with our Vyrill 'In-Video' Search app (for online stores including Shopify, Wordpress, etc).

Source video content at scale

Pre or post-purchase, Vyrill can source video reviews, how-to videos and more from millions of videos by shoppers, social, or direct.

Source and vet brand-safe video content

Vyrill can provide product video recommendations to visitors to your site and showcase similar videos across the same category and across multiple brands.

Company Background

Vyrill's Founder Story

Vyrill was founded in Silicon Valley by Ajay Bam and Dr. Barbara Rosario through U.C.Berkeley’s Skydeck Incubator program.

With a combined 15+ years of background in e-commerce and Artificial Intelligence, the team saw a need to help brand marketers make sense of the massive amount of video data that shoppers were consuming (and creating) on social, mobile and desktop.

The result is Vyrill, cutting edge AI-driven technology that for the first time in history, watches and listens to millions of videos so brands can see quantitative and qualitative video insights at their fingertips. 

Backed by some of the top investors around the world, Vyrill has grown to become a company with a diversity of talent and customers.

The Problem Vyrill Solves

Word-of-mouth marketing generates twice the amount of sales as paid advertising.

With an abundant amount of information and viewpoints on the Internet, it's becoming more and more difficult to find quality sources of information - so consumers rely on reviews from people just like them more than ever.

Vyrill helps brand marketers make sense of massive amounts of brand and fan video data (trillions of videos ) on multiple platforms in multiple languages.

Our proprietary AI technology allows you to quickly find video content created by your brand's biggest fans so that you can license it, then feature it, to convince new shoppers how amazing your company really is.

Vyrill & OmniTalk at CommerceNext 2023

Ajay Bam, CEO and Co-founder of Vyrill, recently joined Chris Walton and Anne Mezzenga on the Omnitalk podcast to discuss the future of searchable video. 

The podcast, titled Why Searchable Video Is a Must-Have in the Next Wave of Commerce, explores the growing importance of video in e-commerce and how “In-video” search can help retailers and brands to better understand and engage with their customers.

Throughout the podcast, Ajay provides valuable insights into the ever-expanding influence of video content on e-commerce conversion rates. As consumers increasingly turn to online platforms for their purchasing decisions, retailers and brands are embracing video as a powerful medium to engage customers. 

The episode delves into how compelling video content can significantly boost conversion rates, effectively bridging the gap between product discovery and purchase.

How Vyrill Works

Vyrill is a user-generated video content (UGVC) discovery, analytics, licensing and content marketing platform powered by our proprietary AI technology to enable social commerce and product marketing.

Watch Founder Pitch

Watch CEO Ajay Bam present Vyrill during KSV's A.I. Marketing Innovation Summit. Recorded live during our event.

About The Platform

A world of possibilities

Groundbreaking tools for personalization marketing through our AI-driven, 'In-Video' insights and commerce platform.


Video Discovery

Vyrill allows you to find, capture, rate and rank shopper and branded videos with 35+ proprietary filters.


‘In-Video’ Search that saves you time & resources

You're looking for real fans and valuable 'In-Video' mentions. 

We give you powerful insights and engagement data by product, category, brand and competitor that will help you crush your next personalization marketing campaign.


Launch and manage campaigns

Getting your fans raving about your company on video no longer involves a timely and expensive filming process - just email them from our platform and specify the desired video you want them to create.


Contact video creators directly and make them offers

Not only does Vyrill showcase creators' contact information, but you can reach out directly from the dashboard to invite them to collaborate on a campaign or commission new digital video content.


Boost your conversions with video

The Vyrill 'In-Video' Search App allows you to deliver a personalized shopping experience. Curate both UGC videos and branded videos and feature them on your product pages to help browsers find their product match quickly. 

The app can be embedded on any Ecommerce site - including Shopify - to shorten the buyer journey and boost sales. 

Platform Demo

Watch a detailed overview as Vyrill's Founder Ajay Bam walks you through the Vyrill platform.

Commonly Asked Questions

How is Vyrill different from other influencer platforms?

Vyrill’s ability to separate the image, audio and text and analyse it in more than 9 dimensions is what sets us apart from any other content discovery, user review or social listening platform on the market today. Our unique, proprietary AI-driven technology can match millions of videos on Youtube to entire product catalogs by product, category, brand and competitor. Vyrill can capture, watch and listen, organize, rate, rank and analyze videos and creator profiles in a fraction of the time then of a team of people watching videos one-by-one and conducting analysis by simple research methods.

How does Vyrill's Artificial Intelligence technology work?

How does Vyrill save time and money?

Vyrill helps brands save time and money in the following ways:

What is 'Vyrill Data'?

Sample Clients & Case Stories

iwi Fresh

iwi Fresh turned to Vyrill in order to optimize its content marketing strategy and organic SEO and identify top fans for engagement.

Atlanta-based iwi fresh was founded by Yolanda Owens “Yogi The Skin Care Farmer” who has been making her own skin care products for 14 years.


In the beauty category, videos are key. While iwi fresh had a YouTube channel and a number ofbranded videos, the company was struggling to make them useful and searchable on its Shopify store.

iwi fresh turned to Vyrill to optimize its video marketing strategy and organic SEO, and identify top fans for content to drive engagement.

The Vyrill In-Video Search app for Shopify helps iwi fresh publish UGC and branded videos on its Shopify store, while also measuring page engagement, content engagement and customer intent for site visits.

"“Our consumers connect with us through authentic videos. Vyrill allows us to find and license videos on YouTube and TikTok, capture new video reviews, and analyze all of our video content to improve our video strategy. 

By adding more relevant customer and branded videos to our website, we've increased our conversion rates and revenue. You can’t put a price tag on this level of engagement.” 

Yolanda Owens - CEO, iwi fresh


BlackTravelBox turned to Vyrill to build social proof and enrich product pages with authentic customer video reviews.

BlackTravelBox is a beauty brand with a focus on travel-size products. Beauty and travel are two of the key industries where videos are essential. Shoppers and travelers use videos as their source of information to make shopping decisions.


The BlackTravelBox team wanted to create a repository of UGC content to build their brand’s social proof and enrich their product pages.

The Vyrill platform helps BlackTravelBox collect all their UGC videos in one place and the In-Video Search app for e-commerce stores allows them to publish those videos on their product pages, measuring metrics like page and content engagement..

"Vyrill automatically gives us an in-depth understanding of what's being captured in this rich video data so we can give our customers a better, relevant experience."

Orion Brown - CEO and founder, BlackTravelBox®


Cintrifuse turned to Vyrill to find existing UGC videos and launch campaigns to collect new UGC videos in a specific demographic to better understand the sentiment of female travelers.

Cintrifuse is an innovation hub located in Cincinnati, Ohio, with a mission to establish Greater Cincinnati as the number one startup ecosystem in the Midwest. 

Through an extensive network of investors and corporate partners, they fuel the growth of tech startups by providing resources and services such as mentorship, workspace, funding, and access to a community of entrepreneurs.

Cintrifuse wanted to understand the travel industry, concentrating on the safety concerns and needs of female travelers who are 55+ years old.

Vyrill analyzed content on the topic and provided helpful insights about the pain points and challenges female travelers experience. 

Vyrill found video creators within their target audience, allowing Cintrifuse to collect, watch and analyze creator content to understand their experiences better.

"With Vyrill, we were able to easily and quickly find video content on TikTok and YouTube from our target demographic and launch new campaigns to collect answers to important questions for our client."

Alisa Smith - Director of Venture Services

“With Vyrill, we were able to easily and quickly find video content on TikTok and YouTube from our target demographic and launch new campaigns to collect answers to important questions for our client.” 

Cintrifuse, Alisa Smith - Director of Venture Services

Why KSV & Vyrill?

King Street Ventures "KSV" is an innovation consultancy that advises Chief Marketing Officers at Fortune 500 companies. We bring the hottest startups in digital marketing, advertising, and customer experience to our corporate clients.

Vyrill is the world's leading UGC video marketing and insights platform. KSV selected Vyrill for their ability to help brands make sense of the goldmine of UGC videos that are created everyday, in the form of video product reviews, explainer videos, and more. Vyrill was selected after a thorough research of the category to find a partner with overwhelmingly positive customer reviews, traction with major brands, and defenseable and proprietary technology.