SongBits is disrupting the music industry by letting fans buy equity in the songs of their favorite musicians.

What They Do

Get ready, music fans! With SongBits, you can support your favorite artists in a whole new way. Join the platform and earn royalties of your favorite tracks for life.

How They Do It

Imagine being able to support the artists you love, earn money from it while receiving access to exclusive content. With SongBits, you can do just that.

Why SongBits Matters To Brands:

(1) Shared ownership creates loyal, engaged fans

(2) A new platform to reach fans and endorse artists
(3) A new revenue channel for merchandise, licenses

Phoebe Willo Crowdfunds over $30000 via SongBits and Music Gateway

By aligning with SongBits and Music Gateway, independent and unknown artist, Phoebe Willo, raised over $30,000 by allowing fans to invest in her latest single. 

Both companies launched with the purpose to empower the independent artist and prove that fans want to support artists on a business level by investing for a piece of ownership in a project; in this case, streaming revenue on Phoebe’s latest single, “Lost in the Music.” 

A revolutionary new form of crowdfunding moving into the future, fans can now share in the success of an artist’s project. 

Why KSV & SongBits?

King Street Ventures "KSV" is an innovation consultancy based in San Francisco that advises Chief Marketing Officers at Fortune 500 companies. We bring the hottest startups in digital marketing, advertising, and customer experience to our clients.

SongBits is a startup that KSV has carefully vetted and approved to join its startup network for having demonstrated a novel and disruptive business model that's poised to transform the music industry.