Delivering insights through advanced analytics and sense technology in retail

About Retail Aware

Retail Aware was founded with the mission to bring in-store shopper behavior data to brands, retailers, and their partners in real time.

Challenge: Lack of in-store visibility

Retail brands and their partners face an increasing challenge when it comes to measuring the ROI of their physical product displays. Maximizing sales opportunities and enabling the highest engagement with their products has been difficult to achieve as an efficient way has been missing from allowing them to truly see how their products perform in-store.

Solution: Real-time advanced analytics and sense technology

Real-time advanced analytics and sense technology, retail brands and their partners can boost sales performance and optimize their product displays to receive highest engagement.

You Can't Fix What You Can't Measure

Tackling On-Shelf Availability, Out-of-Stocks, and Theft in Retail. 

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How Brands Miss Out When They Don't Know What's on the Shelf

The shelf is where the battle for brand visibility is won or lost. Gain clear sight with data and insights

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Camera-less stock sensors behind push-racks continuously measure product activity and wirelessly transmit data to your online portal, empowering you to make informed decisions anytime, anywhere.

On-Shelf Availability

A World Without Out-of-Stocks

Know What's Happening on the Shelf

Make the Right Decisions

Simple, Scalable and Cost-Effective

Product Display Analytics

Retail brands and display companies spend a lot of money to create eye-catching product displays that make consumers want to purchase more of a given product. The challenge here is that it is difficult to actually measure the monetary impact that those product displays have had on the overall sales performance.

Impressions and dwell time with sense technology

A battery-powered motion sensor is attached on the product display and it measures how many shoppers pass by, how long they stay in front of the display and whether they engage with any of the products within the display.

The sensor then wirelessly transmits the data to the base station which then uploads the data to the Cloud.Beat the competition with consistent on-shelf availability.

A Dynamic Insights Portal

Advanced analytics is used to create visualizations for customers so they can see in real-time by store locations how many shoppers are passing in front of their product displays, how long they are staying in front of it and whether they are engaging with any products. 

With these visualizations, our customers can generate insights regarding how to get more efficient when designing, managing, and executing product displays.

Watch Founder & CEO, Keith Fix present during KSV's Connected Commerce Summit | Recorded May 09 & 10, 2024

Why KSV & RetailAware?

King Street Ventures "KSV" is an innovation consultancy based in San Francisco that advises Chief Marketing Officers at Fortune 500 companies. We bring the hottest startups in digital marketing, advertising, and customer experience to our clients.

Retail Aware  offers brands the ability to connect their marketing spend to in-store sales, in addition to monitoring the real-time inventory of individual products at retail. KSV selected RetailAware for offering a solution that helps brands understand what is happening with their products in the store through innovative shelf-space sensors.