Create playable mobile ads in minutes with zero coding


CRAFTSMAN+ is a creative ad technology company that has created a platform that marketers can use to make playable advertising in a matter of minutes


CRAFTSMANPLAY is a self-serve platform that requires zero coding. Entertain and engage consumers with playable advertising.  CRAFTSTMANPLAY can create, distribute, and manage purpose-built experiences across all major networks, seamlessly.


Designed to revolutionize your interactive ad campaigns, CRAFTSTMANPLAY can create, distribute, and manage purpose-built experiences across all major networks, seamlessly

Playable ads are a powerful tool for advertisers, providing users with an interactive experience within the ad itself. 

Check out how Sega Sammy and CRAFTSMAN+  teamed up to create a seamless customer experience to showcase their gameplay mechanics, no coding required!

CRAFTSTMANPLAY teamed up with Hopper to offer a unique way to combine DAU with gameplay, engaging their users through scalable, in-app mini-games. 


CRAFTSTMAN+ are the makers of CRAFTSTMANPLAY, a no-code platform creating playable advertising. Don't advertise, entertain and engage your consumers at scale with playable ads!

Tailored solutions to meet your needs

Self Serve
Scale creative production and build unlimited playable and interactive experiences, with full platform access.

A Bit Of Both
We’ll be there when you need us! Get full access to Craftsman Studio and request services a la carte. 

Managed Service
Get full platform access, plus partner with our Creative Services team for end-to-end strategy and production.


Experience the future of static ad creation with CANVAS– the revolutionary static ad design platform.

Create playable ads in minutes, no coding required.

With CRAFTSMANPLAY, you can scale your in-house creative production with a platform built for playable and interactive ad creation. Iterate as much as you want, export whenever you want, and create high-quality ads in no time. Craftsman Play enables advertisers to create and customize quality playables that are compatible with all major ad networks.

Automated resizing across all channels.

With CRAFTSMAN CANVAS, templatize your assets and instantly create and export thousands of iterations to exponentially scale creative development.

How To Win With Playables

Now, more than ever, brands are searching for different ways to reach their audience on another level– and they are looking to gaming publishers for inspiration. 

Alex Merutka, CEO + Founder CRAFTSMAN+ explains why interactive playable ads are changing the way we advertise, for good.


King Street Ventures "KSV" is an innovation consultancy based in San Francisco that advises Chief Marketing Officers at Fortune 500 companies. We bring the hottest startups in digital marketing, advertising, and customer experience to our clients.

CRAFTSMAN+ was selected for creating a powerful new tool that lets marketers easily create playable advertising, at scale. Playable ads offer a way for brands to entertain and engage users, and is way more effective than traditional advertising.