Shape Immersive is an award-winning A.I. & 3D Creative Production Studio.


Vancouver is known around the world as being the global headquarters of innovation happening in Web3. Shape Immersive is a global agency with its headquarters in Vancouver and has played a significant role in building the city's reputation for innovation.

Why Shape Immersive

Shape Immersive is an award-winning AI and 3D Creative Production studio that helps leading brands (Sephora, Red Bull, Olympics, Coca-Cola, etc.) develop immersive commerce experiences, including roadmaps, 3D assets, virtual products, digital twins, virtual showrooms and Apple Vision Pro applications.  

Services Overview

Client Highlights

Featured Work

Sephora Universe

Sephora Builds Beauty Platform Revolutionizing Virtual Commerce 

The Challenge: Cultivating the next generation of beauty consumers

Sephora is a $10+ Billion USD retail business for beauty products with nearly 340 brands represented along with their own private label. Owned by the LVMH group, Sephora represents the best of breed for the beauty vertical, with 2,600+ stores across 34 countries worldwide. 

With fantastic customer engagement in their brick-and-mortar stores, Sephora recognized an opportunity to elevate the average eCommerce experience to be more intimate and playful; one that sparks the same level of exploration and joy that their consumers typically experience in the Sephora stores. 

The challenge was clear - how to make beauty shopping a personalized, immersive, and interactive experience for Gen Z consumers and beyond, no matter when or where they are logging on.

The Solution: A premium and playful world is born!

Sephora Universe - the ultimate destination for beauty discovery. The Shape team helped Sephora build a web-first, mobile-friendly Sephora Universe with a series of exclusive features.

Best of KSV Award Winner | RedBull & Shape Immersive

KSV selected Shape Immersive's work with RedBull for their work on an augmented reality mountain that extends RedBull Rampage's content into an at-home, interactive experience in AR. 

“The Rampage AR app was seamlessly integrated with the Red Bull TV app, garnering over 100,000 downloads on its launch day. This achievement earned the experience the 41st Sports Emmy Award for Outstanding Digital Innovation, a testament to the collaborative synergy among our team of AR experts, the exceptional Red Bull Rampage team, and our valued partner, XRMG.”

Alex Chuang, Co-founder, Shape Immersive

Why KSV & Shape Immersive?

King Street Ventures "KSV" is an innovation consultancy based in San Francisco that advises Chief Marketing Officers at Fortune 500 companies. We bring the hottest startups in digital marketing, advertising, and customer experience to our clients.

Shape Immersive is an independent agency that KSV has carefully vetted and approved to join its partner network for its innovation in Web3, metaverse, and GenerativeAI.